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Update on SDBKA nucs

Much later than expected, we're now making lots of progress supplying the Association nucleus colonies of local bees. Sally has already delivered 2 colonies and arranged delivery of another, with two more in the pipeline. I've now got the 4 14x12 boxes and a further 3 DN boxes made up, and will contact their recipients tomorrow. There are 2 more DN boxes at the Rifles which we'll check on Saturday, and may hopefully also be ready then, and very probably more to follow from there. Kevin also expects soon to have another 4 DN boxes ready. So the good news is that we expect to get nucs to all those requested them, even if they are later than expected. To get some bees to recipients as soon as possible, we're providing one colony to each recipient first, with any requested further colony to follow as soon as it's ready.

The delay was mostly due to the poor weather in May, which meant we weren't able to take advantage of the spring flow, and the period when colonies are usually building up most strongly. Also we found difficulties with raising queen cells, and with getting queens mated at that time.

It's been an interesting challenge this first year we've run the Association nuc programme. We intend to continue to supply locally-raised bees next season, building on what we've learnt this year. We'll try also to get more members involved.

Many thanks are especially due to Sally & Kev for all their generosity and hard work this year.


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